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our objectives

on 1-15-2010
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Perú is a country with dazzling landscapes and admirable archaeological remains.
In this gradually increasing website we already have more than 900 images that
reflect both attractive features as crude realities of this fascinating country.

NEW: Spectacular videos of the Cutivireni region available in YouTube
         Recent spectacular images of waterfalls in the Cutivireni region
         Recent interesting images of plateaus in the Ene-Cutivireni region
         Recent selected images of small lakes in the Ene-Cutivireni region
         Recent breathtaking images of gorges and canyons in the Cutivireni region
         Recent images of depredation in the upper Ene river region

ALSO: Images of the great 2006 expedition to the Natural Bridge by Joel Rivera
         Images of the carved rock of Saywite in Apurímac (November 2006)
         Images of the ruins of
Caral - the oldest city of America (October 2006)
         Images of the ruins of Cahuachi and aqueduct in Nazca (September 2006)
Images of landscapes and ruins in Huancavelica (September 2006)
Beautiful images of Cuzco ruins and circular terraces of Moray (Jul-Oct 2006)
... .....Spectacular 3D projections from Google Earth high resolution satellite images
... .....More than 120 images of August/2002 expedition to the Cutivireni zone
         More impressive images of
Cuzco and Machu Picchu (2004)
         Images of
caverns near the Quempiri river (a tributary of the Ene river)
. .......Images of the ruins of Tambo Colorado and of the Province of Lima
.. ......Aerial expeditions to the zone of many lakes in the Vilcabamba mountains
... .....
3D images of the natural bridge, ruins of Kuelap and rare plateaus
         Images from the central highway of Peru, in its occidental section
 ........Images of Yauyos, Carania, Laraos and the ruins of Huamanmarca
........Section of satellite images (LandSat, Aster, IKONOS and QuickBird)
library with texts on the Ene-Cutivireni region.

If you wish to obtain higher resolution images, an e-book, or digital documents from our
gallery, please visit our
virtual shop.